churches marathon

humility route:
Saint Paul Saint Louis - Saint Esprit - Saint Séverin

«the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord’s  », 1 S 17, 47

7 COURSES, 42 km routes to discover the treasures of Paris

Presentation of virtue

Humility means recognizing that everything comes from God, that you can do nothing without Him. It calls for greater prudence, to protect your heart from the proud thoughts that can agitate it. It’s a constant vigilance, just as an athlete is careful not to injure himself.


Prayer: a silent prayer that consists of offering everything we are to God, simply being present, as with a friend.

I can try to start my day by making myself present to God: making the sign of the cross, saying hello… You can pray at the Church Saint Gervais Portais

A little sport !

Walking blindfolded: one participant is blindfolded and guided by a teammate.

Figure of sanctity

The Holy Spirit is one of the three persons of the Trinity, he is the fire that God sends to us to burn in our soul and to testify to those around us of His love. He is also the one who makes us grow in all our virtues, especially humility.