temperance route :
Saint Germain l'Auxerrois-
Notre Dame de Paris-
Collège des Bernardins
«Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
» 1 Co 9, 25
Temperance means knowing yourself and controlling yourself, keeping your life in balance without letting your passions guide you. It requires daily discipline, but like sportsmen and women, you know that this constant attention will bear fruit: you’ll become freer to accomplish what Jesus wants for you!
The veneration of relics: relics are the material remains (objects or body parts) of a saint, or even of Christ himself. We venerate relics because they remind us that sanctity is within our grasp, and bring us closer to those who are already next to Christ and to whom we can entrust ourselves like big brothers, the saints.
I can go to a church that offers a prayer service, like Saint Gervais Saint Protais (4th arrondissement). I can also try to think about God at different times of the day
Synchronized squats: do squats together, at the rhythm of the slowest.
Saint Benedict of Nursia, father of the Benedictine order, preached moderation and balance in all things. His rule, remarkable for its balance, still governs the lives of many men and women today.