hope route :
Saint François de Molitor-
Saint Gervais Saint Protais-
Chapelle de la Médaille miraculeuse
« Both of them were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. …» Jn 20,4
Hope means aiming for eternity, for Heaven, for perfection. Don’t be afraid to look too far ahead, to set the bar too high, because you were made for eternal life! Sportsmen and women seek excellence, perfection of gesture and effort. So why not you ?
The prayer of the hours: several times a day, monks and nuns gather in their abbeys to pray to God. In this way, He is present at the heart of our daily lives, constantly thinking of us.
I can go to a church that offers a prayer service, like Saint Gervais Saint Protais (4th arrondissement). I can also try to think about God at different times of the day
Flexibility contest: touch your feet with your hands as many times as possible without bending your knees.
The Virgin Mary is the one we can pray to in all circumstances, because she was given to us as mother by her Son Jesus! Let us not hesitate to ask Him, filled with Hope, for all the victories we wish for in our lives!