churches marathon

charity route :
Notre Dame des Victoires - Saint Roch - Saint Eustache

« Only let us live up to what we have already attained. » Ph3,16

7 courses 42 km routes to discover the treasures of Paris

presentation of virtue

Charity means loving your neighbor, looking at him with the eyes God has for him: seeing the exceptional person he is, but also seeing the wounds that damage him.

It’s in Love that a community, a family, a team, the Church, are welded together and stand in solidarity with one another. The cohesion of a group can be seen in the smiles exchanged and the Love shared. Without this cohesion, no team can move forward, for it is union that makes strength!

Let's take this opportunity to pray

Marian devotion: to invoke Mary is to appeal to the mother of Jesus, to her intercession with God, to whom she is so close.
with God, to whom she is so close. For generations, Catholics have entrusted Mary with their worries and
their worries and desires.
Some remember the events of Christ’s life by praying the rosary
and reciting the “Hail Mary”.

I can recite 10 “Hail Marys” today, entrusting someone dear to me. I can also go to a church dedicated to Mary, such as the Basilica of Notre Dame des Victoires (2nd).

A little sport!

Transport race: carrying a comrade over a certain distance, recalling the gospel of the paralyzed man who is carried by four other people.

Figure of SANCTITY

Saint Roch (1350-1378) is a model of charity. He is known for treating the sick and helping the needy, so much so that he became the patron saint of pharmacists and apothecaries.